Castle Stoneforge
| Stonespeaker | Artisan | Adventurer |
| Mateus |
Whether his presence is felt from the mirthful rumble of his laughter or the warmth stoked in his amber gaze, Castle Stoneforge meets the world with a boisterous disposition. Broad shouldered and built high, this Roegadyn bares the scars of a life lived at the frontline of combat and calloused from heavy labours. A tussle of scruffy short hair, streaked faintly with age, accompanies a rather bushy beard framing his chiseled features.Quick to action, Castle holds few reservations to putting himself between a duty need fulfilling and someone in need. Though equipped with an immense capacity for kindness, Castle holds a titanic fury towards those who would abuse their power over others. Diligent in both words and actions, Castle does not commit himself lightly to causes or tasks he does not see just cause within.
Fast Facts
¤ Age: Mid 30's
¤ Gender: Male
¤ Race: Roegadyn, Sea Wolf
¤ Residence: The Mists, Stoneforged Goods Plot 4, 21st Ward, Mist @ Mateus
¤ Height: 8 fulms
¤ Weight: 350 pz
¤ Name Day: 13th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
¤ Callings: Abalathian Stonespeaker, Guildmaster of Maker's Mark, Propriter of Stoneforged Goods
Feel free to engage with and follow-up on these hooks and character in's as they feel appropriate! If something sparks your interest, don't hesitate to reach out to follow-up!¤ Stoneforged Goods, LLC** (Common)**: Castle is the proprietor of a mercantile specializing in armaments for the enterprising adventurer. Manned by his team of business associates, "The Fins", he is quite proud of the establishment.Looking to up your arsenal? Castle is eager for any commission works for those who are looking to better the realm!¤ Guildmaster of The Maker's Mark (Common): Inspired by the sacred charge he has been gifted, Castle Stoneforge, along with Namida Wyrmsong and Cordelia Harper, set out to establish The Maker's Mark, a guild home to artisans, adventurers, and any who would hold the daring spirit to uplift the realm in these foreboding times.As Guildmaster, Castle Stoneforge oversees Maker's Guildhall and the operation of its facilities, ensuring resources are stocked and tea is always available!¤ Adventurer (Common): Castle is a sojourner by nature. Travelling the roads, meeting new people, and sharing in triumph and hardship in equal measure!Fellow adventurer? Carousing vagabond? No-good brigand? Looking for help? Castle can oft be encountered in the field on some task or another.¤ Military Service (Common): Having served as an envoy and craftsman in the Maelstrom's Trade Sails, to standing on the front lines of The Ghimlyt Dark, Castle has a trackable record among The Maelstrom.Castle always has gil to share a drink with fellow Company members. Be it swapping stories, talking shop, or remembering the fallen.¤ Aetheric Energies (Uncommon): Castle Stoneforge utilizes aether both in combat and in synthesis through manipulation of stone, metals, and minerals. Those sensitive to aether, or with a means to detect its presence, would note an astral tilt to Castle's robust energies.
Castle is seen most often wearing a set of Aetherometric Goggles, showing a keen interest in matters of aether.¤ Abalathian (Uncommon): Castle remembers precious little of his life before being adopted by the Laentwaht clan of Hellsguard. He calls the peaks of Abalathia the home of his heart, above all else. A keen ear would hear him occasionally slip into a phrase-or-two of Old Roegadyn.Does your character hail from Abalathia as well? Have you spent extended time in the peaks of Ablathia's Spine? If so, you may have encountered the Laentwaht in their work to safeguard Hydaelyn from the threats beyond the veil, and the Song of Stone and Steel they live by.¤Echoes of a Past Forgotten (Rare): Those who grew up in The Brume twenty-or-so years ago may recall the odd sight of a sickly Roegadyn child with an unusual birthmark on his shoulder by the name of "Pale Skapf" that bears a striking resemblance to Castle Stoneforge, if perhaps a bit pudgier.With thanks to his companion Namida Wyrmsong, Castle has become reacquainted with his Brume-borne past and has sought ought reconnection through his continued labours with The Firmament restoration initiative. This thread may require a bit more coordination but could be very powerful!
Player Information

Hello!Thank you for your interest in Castle Stoneforge!Please feel free to approach or whisper if my RP tag us up--otherwise just pass me a message in-game if you're interested in roleplaying.I engage in all sorts of content in XIV, including roulettes, Raids, map parties, and more. Also available for making to-order Levekits if you're interested in crafting!Currently open for:
¤ Equipment commissions work
¤ Developing contacts for RP and/or PVE content
¤ Dark/Mature or Lighthearted Themes
¤ Tavern & Adventure scenes
¤ Able to fill as contact for RP scenes involving trade, metalwork, or certain aetheric inquiries (message me your ideas and we can talk!)Not interested in:
¤ Permeant Injury / Death without prior discussion
¤ Meta-gaming
¤ RP with folks under 18 years oldI'm also reachable on Discord @ Feyloch#2173
Cast adrift in the flotsam of a vessel bound for Sharlayan, a young Castle Stoneforge was found off the coast of the Farreach by a clan of Hellsguard known as the Laentwaht. Among them, Castle found refuge and family in their nomadic travels along Abalathia's Spine. Although his memory before the incident was a fog, Castle found strength and purpose in under the tutelage of clan's mystics.Through perseverance, sacrifice, and deep contemplation of the land he found himself capable of communing with the Mountain's aether. Lithomancy, the manipulation and augury of stone, would become his trade and life's pursuit. As Castle came of age, he departed his adopted home to begin a name for himself in the company of The Black Couerl, a hunting vessel who's sails set across Eorzea and beyond.When news of the Seventh Umbral Calamity and the devastation it had wrought reached him, Castle returned back to Eorzea in hopes to help his homeland heal. Upon returning he enlisted with the Maelstrom where he developed a service record in working with the Trade Sails, as well as in battle against the Garleans.Castle has committed himself to upholding righteous actions and good deeds throughout his adventures since returning to Eorzea. Be it by word, by hand, or by heart he is never far from the opportunity to render aid to others.

Namida Wyrmsong
A chance encounter in The Firmament with this secretive Elezen reunited Castle with memories of his own hidden past. Though the words of Namida's stories of a youth spent with "Pale Skapf", a Roegadyn waif of the Brume, sounded foreign to him, vestiges of familiarity simmered beneath the foggy surface of his recollection.Through shared struggles, hardships, and triumphs, their friendship and love for one another has blossomed. Travelling the breadth of Eorzea together, the two have cultivated a unique understanding of their aetheric practices to better compliment each other's strengths, and uplift their weaknesses. They can be often found working together to bolster the realm for the better.

Cordelia Harper
Two crossed paths on the caravan trail led Castle to meet with Cordelia Harper, a bright eyed crack shot with a keen sense for organization. Cordelia's grounded perspective and clear sense of priorities proved invaluable in both logistical operations and harried firefights.Cordelia grew from co-worker to confidant over the course of their time caravanning. Though overly modest in her own assessment of abilities, Castle looks to Cordelia with a sense of brotherly affection inspired by her resilience, kindness, and adventurous spirit.

Vellace Deran
Castle Stoneforge and Vellace Deran do not always see eye-to-eye in matters of humor and sensibilities. However, their shared conviction for seeing those in power be held responsible for their abuses has made them staunch allies.Neither strangers to violence, sacrifice, and not backing down from a fight, Castle see's great things in Vellace Deran. Though her spiky demeanor would seem off putting to some, Castle Stoneforge has kindled an uproarious friendship with the Hyur.
Though their bonds were tested in the skirmishes of caravanning, their friendship off the battlefield has developed over many outings, for both training and recreation!Vellace earned the moniker, "Kupf Braena" [Copper Breaker] during their collaborations synthesizing. Castle is proud to have aided in the forging of "Skaetnfyr", a prideful blade with wicked origins whose will is matched only by its wielder.